2024-25 After School Program
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2024-25 After School Program
Registration Form - English
2024-25 After School Program
Registration Form - English
After School Program
SYH Strong Families Tax Credit DCF Strong Families Tax Credit Info Department of Revenue Tax Credit Application

Our Mission: To bring hope to people of all ages that are in
distress, crisis, abandoned, neglected or abused.

We do this by providing food, clothing, essential supplies,
employment services, resources, emotional and spiritual support.

The desire to share your heart is the result of your heart acting in love
Free Food Distribution: Serving our Community one Family at a time! Distribution Locations Coming together to help our community in need! Share what you have with God’s people who are in need. Be hospitable.  Romans 12:13 (GW)

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Last week marked the first School Chaplaincy Meeting, bringing together local agencies like Youth for Christ, First Priority, His Hands and Feet, the Hispanic Pastors Association of South Florida, Pastora Lunicel, King Jesus Ministry, and more! By uniting our efforts, we’re working to enhance support and services for students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Excited for what’s ahead! #CommunityCollaboration #SchoolChaplaincy #SupportingStudents #shareyourheart ... See MoreSee Less

Last week marked the first School Chaplaincy Meeting, bringing together local agencies like Youth for Christ, First Priority, His Hands and Feet, the Hispanic Pastors Association of South Florida, Pastora Lunicel, King Jesus Ministry, and more! By uniting our efforts, we’re working to enhance support and services for students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Excited for what’s ahead! #CommunityCollaboration #SchoolChaplaincy #SupportingStudents #shareyourheartImage attachmentImage attachment
5 days ago

Our afterschool program is all about learning, growth, and engagement! Thanks to the support of The Children’s Trust and our amazing staff, we’re able to provide students with hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and a space to build confidence and explore new skills. Every day is an opportunity to learn, connect, and thrive! 📚✨ #EmpoweringYouth #AfterSchoolSuccess #LearningBeyondTheClassroom #TheChildrensTrust ... See MoreSee Less

Our afterschool program is all about learning, growth, and engagement! Thanks to the support of The Children’s Trust and our amazing staff, we’re able to provide students with hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and a space to build confidence and explore new skills. Every day is an opportunity to learn, connect, and thrive! 📚✨ #EmpoweringYouth #AfterSchoolSuccess #LearningBeyondTheClassroom #TheChildrensTrustImage attachmentImage attachment

Black History Month is a time to honor resilience, innovation, and the profound impact of Black leaders, artists, and trailblazers who have shaped history. Their stories are woven into the fabric of our communities, inspiring change and progress every day. This month, let’s listen, learn, and celebrate the legacy that continues to shape our future.

#BlackHistoryMonth #HonoringTheLegacy
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Black History Month is a time to honor resilience, innovation, and the profound impact of Black leaders, artists, and trailblazers who have shaped history. Their stories are woven into the fabric of our communities, inspiring change and progress every day. This month, let’s listen, learn, and celebrate the legacy that continues to shape our future.

#BlackHistoryMonth #HonoringTheLegacy
1 week ago

This weekend, we had the pleasure of joining Senator & Commissioner Rene Garcia at the Valentine’s Pet Adoption & Farmers’ Market in Hialeah! Alongside amazing community partners, we provided emergency food bags to families in need while supporting pet adoptions and local vendors.

It’s always a joy to serve our community and be part of events that bring people (and pets!) together. Thank you to everyone who came out and to Senator & Commissioner Rene Garcia’s office for inviting us to participate!

#CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeart #PetAdoption #FarmersMarket #adoptdontshop
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This weekend, we had the pleasure of joining Senator & Commissioner Rene Garcia at the Valentine’s Pet Adoption & Farmers’ Market in Hialeah! Alongside amazing community partners, we provided emergency food bags to families in need while supporting pet adoptions and local vendors.

It’s always a joy to serve our community and be part of events that bring people (and pets!) together. Thank you to everyone who came out and to Senator & Commissioner Rene Garcia’s office for inviting us to participate!

#CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeart #PetAdoption #FarmersMarket #adoptdontshopImage attachment
2 weeks ago

Last night, we officially rolled out our mobile unit at the City of Dreams screening in Doral, sponsored by the MDC Human Trafficking Coalition and the City of Doral. This unit will serve as an emergency boutique, food distribution hub, and command center during crises.

We were honored to have Mayor Christi Fraga, Director Sherea Green (Miami-Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation), Daisy Bermudez (DCF), our amazing volunteer chaplains, and many others join in raising awareness for human trafficking prevention and supporting this important cause.

Excited for the impact this mobile unit will bring! #EndHumanTrafficking #CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeart
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Last night, we officially rolled out our mobile unit at the City of Dreams screening in Doral, sponsored by the MDC Human Trafficking Coalition and the City of Doral. This unit will serve as an emergency boutique, food distribution hub, and command center during crises.

We were honored to have Mayor Christi Fraga, Director Sherea Green (Miami-Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation), Daisy Bermudez (DCF), our amazing volunteer chaplains, and many others join in raising awareness for human trafficking prevention and supporting this important cause.

Excited for the impact this mobile unit will bring! #EndHumanTrafficking #CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeartImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Excited to have been at Royal Green Elementary for Career Day! 🎓✨ Sharing our mission and inspiring the next generation to make a difference. #FutureLeaders #shareyourheart ... See MoreSee Less

Excited to have been at Royal Green Elementary for Career Day! 🎓✨ Sharing our mission and inspiring the next generation to make a difference. #FutureLeaders #ShareYourHeartImage attachment

Stronger together! 🌎 Today, we celebrate Global Community Engagement Day by recognizing the power of unity and service. Let’s keep uplifting our communities! 💙 #TogetherWeThrive #ShareYourHeart
¡Juntos somos más fuertes! 🌎 Hoy celebramos el Día Global del Compromiso Comunitario, resaltando el poder de la unidad y el servicio. ¡Sigamos apoyando a nuestras comunidades! 💙 #JuntosCrecemos #ComparteTuCorazón
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Stronger together! 🌎 Today, we celebrate Global Community Engagement Day by recognizing the power of unity and service. Let’s keep uplifting our communities! 💙 #TogetherWeThrive #ShareYourHeart
¡Juntos somos más fuertes! 🌎 Hoy celebramos el Día Global del Compromiso Comunitario, resaltando el poder de la unidad y el servicio. ¡Sigamos apoyando a nuestras comunidades! 💙 #JuntosCrecemos #ComparteTuCorazónImage attachment
2 weeks ago

Join us at Senator Rene Garcia’s Valentine’s Pet Adoption & Farmers’ Market on Saturday, February 1st at Amelia Earhart Park! 🐾💖

We’ll be there providing emergency food bags to families in need while you enjoy free pet adoptions, a farmers’ market, food, pony rides, and more.

📍 Amelia Earhart Park-Bill Graham Farm Village
📅 February 1, 2025 | ⏰ 10 AM - 1 PM

Don’t miss this amazing community event!

#PetAdoption #CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeart #adoptdontshop #adopt

¡Acompáñanos en el Mercado de Granjeros y Adopción de Mascotas de San Valentín del senador Rene García el sábado 1 de febrero en Amelia Earhart Park! 🐾💖

Estaremos allí entregando bolsas de alimentos de emergencia a las familias que lo necesiten, mientras disfrutas de adopciones de mascotas gratuitas, un mercado de granjeros, comida, paseos en pony y mucho más.

📍 Amelia Earhart Park-Bill Graham Farm Village
📅 1 de febrero de 2025 | ⏰ 10 AM - 1 PM

¡No te pierdas este increíble evento comunitario!

#AdopciónDeMascotas #ApoyoComunitario #ComparteTuCorazón
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Join us at Senator Rene Garcia’s Valentine’s Pet Adoption & Farmers’ Market on Saturday, February 1st at Amelia Earhart Park! 🐾💖

We’ll be there providing emergency food bags to families in need while you enjoy free pet adoptions, a farmers’ market, food, pony rides, and more.

📍 Amelia Earhart Park-Bill Graham Farm Village
📅 February 1, 2025 | ⏰ 10 AM - 1 PM

Don’t miss this amazing community event!

#PetAdoption #CommunitySupport #ShareYourHeart #adoptdontshop #adopt 

¡Acompáñanos en el Mercado de Granjeros y Adopción de Mascotas de San Valentín del senador Rene García el sábado 1 de febrero en Amelia Earhart Park! 🐾💖

Estaremos allí entregando bolsas de alimentos de emergencia a las familias que lo necesiten, mientras disfrutas de adopciones de mascotas gratuitas, un mercado de granjeros, comida, paseos en pony y mucho más.

📍 Amelia Earhart Park-Bill Graham Farm Village
📅 1 de febrero de 2025 | ⏰ 10 AM - 1 PM

¡No te pierdas este increíble evento comunitario!

#AdopciónDeMascotas #ApoyoComunitario #ComparteTuCorazón

This week was all about community! We had the honor of providing emergency food bags at an MLK event and connecting with local leaders at the first Pastors Association meeting of 2025, where we shared about the chaplaincy program. Grateful to serve and grow together! #communityfirst #shareyourheart


¡Esta semana se trató de comunidad! Tuvimos el honor de brindar bolsas de alimentos de emergencia en un evento de MLK y de conectarnos con líderes locales en la primera reunión de la Asociación de Pastores de 2025, donde compartimos sobre el programa de capellanía. ¡Agradecidos por la oportunidad de servir y crecer juntos! #primerolacomunidad #compartetucorazón
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This week was all about community! We had the honor of providing emergency food bags at an MLK event and connecting with local leaders at the first Pastors Association meeting of 2025, where we shared about the chaplaincy program. Grateful to serve and grow together! #CommunityFirst #ShareYourHeart


¡Esta semana se trató de comunidad! Tuvimos el honor de brindar bolsas de alimentos de emergencia en un evento de MLK y de conectarnos con líderes locales en la primera reunión de la Asociación de Pastores de 2025, donde compartimos sobre el programa de capellanía. ¡Agradecidos por la oportunidad de servir y crecer juntos! #PrimeroLaComunidad #ComparteTuCorazónImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

“Love is the most durable power in the world.”

Let’s honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by spreading love and making a lasting impact. ❤️ #MLKDay #ShareYourHeart #LoveInAction
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“Love is the most durable power in the world.”

Let’s honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by spreading love and making a lasting impact. ❤️ #MLKDay #ShareYourHeart #LoveInAction
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Couldn’t have done any of this without the help of amazing individuals and partners! Thank you to everyone who made this Thanksgiving so beautiful for so many families! HAPPY THANKSGIVING from us at Share Your Heart to all of you and your loved ones ❤️

Couldn’t have done any of this without the help of amazing individuals and partners! Thank you to everyone who made this Thanksgiving so beautiful for so many families! HAPPY THANKSGIVING from us at Share Your Heart to all of you and your loved ones ❤️ ...

This Thanksgiving season, we’re grateful for the power of community! Led by our North Florida Regional Director, Manny Arisso, and supported by Lifeway Community Church and dedicated volunteers, over 200 turkeys and essential items for Thanksgiving meals were donated and purchased to serve families in Tallahassee.Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible—let’s continue sharing love, hope, and gratitude with those who need it most. 🦃❤️. _______________ ¡En esta temporada de Acción de Gracias, agradecemos el poder de la comunidad! Bajo el liderazgo de nuestro Director Regional del Norte de Florida, Manny Arisso, junto con Lifeway Community Church y voluntarios dedicados, logramos donar y comprar más de 200 pavos y artículos esenciales para las comidas de Acción de Gracias, beneficiando a familias en Tallahassee. Gracias a todos los que hicieron esto posible. Continuamos compartir amor, esperanza y gratitud con quienes más lo necesitan. 🦃❤️#ComidasDeAcciónDeGracias #ComparteTuCorazón #ApoyoComunitario #FuerzaDelNorteDeFlorida#ThanksgivingMeals #ShareYourHeart #CommunitySupport #NorthFloridaStrong

This Thanksgiving season, we’re grateful for the power of community! Led by our North Florida Regional Director, Manny Arisso, and supported by Lifeway Community Church and dedicated volunteers, over 200 turkeys and essential items for Thanksgiving meals were donated and purchased to serve families in Tallahassee.Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible—let’s continue sharing love, hope, and gratitude with those who need it most. 🦃❤️. _______________ ¡En esta temporada de Acción de Gracias, agradecemos el poder de la comunidad! Bajo el liderazgo de nuestro Director Regional del Norte de Florida, Manny Arisso, junto con Lifeway Community Church y voluntarios dedicados, logramos donar y comprar más de 200 pavos y artículos esenciales para las comidas de Acción de Gracias, beneficiando a familias en Tallahassee. Gracias a todos los que hicieron esto posible. Continuamos compartir amor, esperanza y gratitud con quienes más lo necesitan. 🦃❤️#ComidasDeAcciónDeGracias #ComparteTuCorazón #ApoyoComunitario #FuerzaDelNorteDeFlorida#ThanksgivingMeals #ShareYourHeart #CommunitySupport #NorthFloridaStrong ...

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Community Partners

From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank all our partners for sharing their hearts.